Lake Blue Ridge and the Toccoa River both proffer immense water recreation in the summertime. The Cohutta Wilderness, the biggest National Forest Wilderness in the Eastern United States, has over 30,000 acres of forest land for mountaineering, four-wheel driving, hunting or horseback riding.
The Blue Ridge charming Railway depot is the hub of the town, listed on the National Registry of Historical Places; it is the gem in the crown of Blue Ridge. The Blue Ridge Senic Railway has train rides to Copperhill Tennessee and back which has grow to be a weekend custom here. You can be sure the train is operating around the many festivals held in the town park by the depot.
Guests can envelop themselves with the splendour, relaxation and natural fun that are exclusively Georgia's Blue Ridge experience. Pontoons and skis are accessible for rent on the stunning Lake Blue Ridge and visitors can go trout fishing in the crystal clear Toccoa River or revamp their strength on a day hiking to neighbouring waterfalls or horseback riding on wooded trails in the Chattahoochee National Forest. There’s a picturesque overlook above the dam and an out of the sun picnic area near the powerhouse where couples can use some alone time. You can also stand in both states at same time at the Blue Line, which indicates the point where Georgia ends and Tennessee begins.
Nowadays, rising figures of visitors are flooding to famous Blue Ridge and McCaysville to shop in our speciality shops and galleries for fine stuffs, fine art, antiques and matchless crafted items. Fine art galleries in the area incorporate High Country Art and Antiques, Multitudes and Turning Leaf Wood Art. The Blue Ridge Mountains Arts Association offers all kinds of grand art classes and helps encourage local artists in the private art galleries in town, giving the audacious shoppers lots of choices in the many gifted galleries of the area.
Restaurants offering an assortment of cuisines from French, Italian, and American to Spanish delicacies are sited all over the town. Mercier Orchards, one of the biggest apple farms in the southeast, cultivates about 50 varieties of apples and makes delectable apple cider doughnuts, fried pies, and apple bread..
Blue Ridge real estate offers you excellent cabins at grand locations with potential resale value, with the benefit of a good realtor in person of Mary Hedden, you can lease a cozy mountain cabin or luxury vacation home, overlooking immaculate valleys and ridge ends at the best prices available. Whether you stay for a day, a weekend, a month or a lifetime, you will encircle yourself with the recollections and the magic of Georgia's Blue Ridge experience.